Why is a factory in China difficult to find?
Many importers who buy products from China seek to find real factory suppliers, but only come across intermediaries in the form of commercial firms.
The question “How to find a supplier in China?” Often pops up on thematic discussions on Facebook and LinkedIn. However, among the husks of unnecessary information, like “Go to China and learn everything” and “Look for trusted suppliers on Alibaba”, there are very few useful grains. Below we will try to explain why it is so difficult to find a supplier in China.
- Specific goods are produced by small factories, which are difficult for the company to go directly to.
It is impossible to find a supplier for each type of product. If you monitor electronic marketplaces and search services for the purchase of “ordinary” T-shirts or socks, the chances of “googling” the contacts of the factories are very real, despite the scattering of various commercial companies issued by the search engine. Another thing is to try, for example, to look for a factory supplying self-mixing cups. Manufacturers of this kind of things are listed in the “Red Book” because of their small number. They have small factory capacities and cost a small staff of workers (less than 30 people). So you will find only intermediaries and trading companies.
Normal manufacturers do not leave contacts on English-language sites and sites. - Normal manufacturers do not leave contacts on English-language sites and sites.
All importers, regardless of their knowledge or lack of knowledge of the Chinese language, are looking for suppliers on special b2b platforms. Such as Alibaba or Global Sources, even made-in-China. And, if the Chinese factory does not have a single employee with knowledge of English, the company will not be able to place information about itself in an English-language resource, reducing to zero the chance of being found by foreign buyers.
For the average Chinese manufacturer, it is in the order of things to distribute the goods to a local trading company, naively believing that keeping the sales team with language skills will be more expensive.
The annual use of the Alibaba site for product placement will cost 6000 to 15000 dollars to a Chinese company. Another 7 thousand a year will be required for the maintenance of sales managers with knowledge of English, if we are talking only about the base rate. In this case there will be no guarantees that the sales department will cope with the task of finding orders.
Mostly factory manufacturers are focused on cooperation with trading companies from China and expose themselves only on Chinese Internet sites. In particular, at 1688.com, which is the largest b2b platform of the Middle Kingdom and has more supplier companies than Alibaba, although both platforms are related and belong to the Alibaba Group.
For a successful search for supplier plants on 1688.com, in addition to good command of Chinese, you need to be able to navigate the PRC’s trade area in order to screen out intermediaries, of whom 1688.com is even more than Alibaba.
So Best Plus Group can help you in that, no matter communication and souring. - Manufacturers do not use online marketing
The representation of the company on Alibaba does not guarantee him a flurry of sales and the mandatory interest of foreign importers. Competent promotion of product pages requires certain skills and costs. Among them, contextual advertising, and ranking on the first page of the search in Alibaba using keywords. For resellers, marketing is one of the components of profitable operation, which cannot be said about factories themselves, who are hardly capable of skillfully “pushing” goods on the Internet markets.
In the situation with ranking through Google search, the affairs of factories are even sadder. Only your own English-language website, along with search marketing, make it possible to “emerge” in Google requests from users. - Factories hide information about themselves if they produce counterfeit goods
Everyone knows that China is a country of fakes. As soon as there appear on the market standing things from any sphere, from electronics to personal care products, the Celestial factories copy them and sell them at a cheap price. Interestingly, importers in most cases do not even suspect that they are buying clone things. Such manufacturers usually do not allow representatives of importers to the shop, keeping all the nuances in secret.
Factories producing goods in violation of copyrights and patents, mainly work with intermediaries trading abroad, so finding them in the vast network is not possible.
Summing up, let’s say that despite the great desire, not all importers manage to work directly with manufacturers.
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