Luggage is a general term for bags, and is a general term for various bags used to hold things, including general shopping bags, handbags, clutches, wallets, backpacks, shoulder bags, shoulder bags, waist bags, and various trolley cases.
Luggage materials are more diverse, and leather, PU, polyester, canvas, cotton and linen textures and bags are leading the fashion trend. At the same time, in the era of more and more advertised personalities, various styles such as simple, retro, cartoon, etc. also cater to the needs of fashion people to promote their personalities from different sides. The style of luggage is also made up of traditional business bags, school bags, travel bags, wallets, small sachets, etc.
With the development of the luggage manufacturing industry, China ’s luggage industry exhibition has also sprung up. In addition to the mainstream exhibitions in major cities such as Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, the luggage industry exhibitions in major industrial bases are endless. More mature exhibitions in Jinjiang, Wenzhou, Dongguan, Chengdu and other places.
1. Divide by style
Handbags, shoulder bags, cross-body bags, handbags, wallets, backpacks, etc.
2. Divide by function
Briefcase, computer bag, camera bag, medical bag, travel bag, cosmetic case, etc.
3. According to the material
Leather bags, pu bags, pvc bags, canvas bags, cloth bags, etc.
4. According to the cabinet
Trolley bags, tool bags, suitcases, suitcases, etc.
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