Leather Goods Guangzhou Market
Where can I buy leather bags and belts?
The profits of these popular commodities are still considerable. The wholesale center of Guangzhou is in the west of Guangzhou Railway Station to Sanyuanli.
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Here is the world’s most famous leather goods market. It can be said that it really affects the world. Entering here, large-scale wholesale center malls abound. The most famous one is Baiyun International Leather Center. Every day many tourists come to patronize.
Both wholesale and retail, the shops are relatively sophisticated. Most of the surrounding malls are only for wholesale. In addition to the most popular bags and wallets here, you can also see a variety of high imitation clothing, glasses. When it comes to these, we must talk about the development of high imitation products in Guangzhou. Near these big malls you will see many solicitors.
They sell you small cards with various brand-name luxury goods printed on them. They invite you to go to a secret place to see the spot.
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It’s really cheap to buy belt purses and big bags here. Because there are too many wholesales, the merchants here will not basically bargain. Many of them are targeted at wholesale users.
So you can easily find good products. There are many foreigners doing business here, and any large market in Guangzhou can see countless foreigners. More of them are Africans. I heard that the dream of making money in the eyes of Africans starts in Guangzhou.
They bought from Guangzhou and brought them back to a country to make a lot of profits. Many Africans even open their own stores in a mall and sell them exclusively to natives.
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